Fundación Nuestros Hijos Chile

The Other Patients

A powerful and impactful campaign that shows the unseen childhood cancer patients: parents and caregivers
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Foto PR

Steal Artois

A unique line of apparel to steal glances and... a little something extra
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Corporación Miles

Table 690

The first table for victims of femicide in Chile
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Captura de Pantalla 2022 11 09 a las 9 58 51 a m
World Wildlife Fund

Nature Is Calling For Help

Real recordings of Australian birds lead the fight against global deforestation
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bird in bush fire
Wunderman Thompson Chile WORK MAZDA Well get back together Grandpa

Roads will meet again

We'll get back together, see and feel each other.
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What comes after COVID-19?

The answer is simple. Get back on the road.
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Programa Provida Mujer hero image
AFP ProVida

Programa Provida Mujer

Supporting women's work development so they can save for the future.
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The Footprint of the Future

INACAP empowers students to reduce their carbon footprint and take action to benefit the future of the planet.
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