SPAR has a unique proposition, catering to specific convenience shoppers in locations such as in villages, busy city centers, near holiday parks, at university campuses and in gas stations. The retail media network built for SPAR and emphasizes the distinctiveness of its unique shopper segment. SPAR media differentiates itself from other retailers by offering highly specific targeting options based on time, location, and audiences! All in order for advertisers to reach the right shopper segment at the right location and time. Our team ensured the network was up and running in no time.
Building a retail media network from scratch for SPAR
Establishing the first convenience retail media network in The Netherlands for brands to advertise on
- Amsterdam
SPAR media is The Netherlands’ first retail media network in the convenience space, giving advertisers the opportunity to advertise to a highly relevant and unique shopper audience at the right location and right time.
Rachel Scheffers - de Greef, Head of Retail Media at SPAR Holding
SPAR Netherlands was exploring whether a retail media network would be profitable for them. The organization was lacking expertise in this new domain and needed guidance to develop a business case and strategy to capture their potential.
The project was split into three phases: create the business case, build the network and run the business.
Business case: To map the true potential for SPAR, we set up a full five years business case. From this business case we advised on how to develop the organization, technology and team, fully mapping out the ideal, sustainable network blueprint and a prioritized action plan to get to the desired end state.
Build: A VML team was installed to support with strategy, sales and ad ops management to accelerate growth. Roles include a strategist, project manager, inventory specialist, sales agent, and a campaign manager. A number of channels were developed, ranging from on-site channels on and email to in-store channels such as print materials and more than 850 Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) screens, which serve as the focal point of the SPAR media network. Self service platform Streaem was set up from day one to enable advertisers to programmatically buy ad space on and on the DOOH screens.
Run: With the network up and running, we approached advertisers and started monetising the available channels. To ensure maximal results, we approached suppliers with the highest expected potential first. For the campaigns that were sold, our ad ops team ensured their performance was on and above expectations.
While other retail media networks develop slowly over years and years, we have set up a fully fledged retail media network in record time. Going from business case, strategy and establishing channels to having conversations with advertisers and running campaigns within 6 months. With the network up and running, SPAR media is ready to capitalize on its media revenue potential.