Together with VML, BASF launched Teraxxa, the first and only wireworm-eliminating seed treatment into the cereals market with an interactive video game to educate farmers on their new reality: obliterating these real-world pests, but in an 8-bit world. This integrated campaign inspired farmers and seed houses to finally eliminate their most difficult pest. So much so, the Teraxxa product launch was the most successful in BASF history. Terraxxa sold out just one month after launch, gained 7% in market share, and accomplished growing the entire U.S. cereals seed treatment market by $8M.

Wireworms wreak havoc on wheat fields, with more than 80% of wheat producers saying it is their most difficult pest every year and costing American farmers billions of dollars. Existing treatment options only repelled them, which meant that populations were never reduced and the threat never went away. But, new Teraxxa™ seed treatment delivered what no other currently registered treatment could: wireworm mortality. Our challenge was convincing a skeptical audience that game-changing chemistry could do something they've never been able to do before.

During discovery, the clients shared how Teraxxa seed treatment could be a market game-changer, and the VML team discovered how “Teraxxa” sounded like an arcade game we’d be interested in playing.

First, we tapped into farmers’ desire to destroy wireworms by disguising our product demonstration as an arcade game, turning Teraxxa the crop treatment into Teraxxa the video game. Farmers could now learn about the revolutionary product while experiencing the 8-bit joy of obliterating these real-world pests. We put full-size arcade games in seed houses & retail so local farmers could see how Teraxxa worked firsthand. And we released a mobile version so they could keep destroying wireworms right from their self-driving tractors in the field. Geofencing around events and key locations retargeted players with display and social, while direct mail, OOH, and radio were used to amplify the benefits of Teraxxa.

Teraxxa had to receive approval from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency before it could be sold. After delays, and a four-month loss of potential sales, there were just 3.5 months left in the season. Despite the setback, Teraxxa was the most successful product launch in BASF history, with Terraxxa selling out just one month after launch. Retail sales increased by $8.5MM, gained 7% market share, and grew the entire U.S. cereals seed treatment market by $8M.

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