
MINI has always shaped the “Zeitgeist”. From being labeled a design classic to a cultural icon of the swinging sixties, the brand has a longstanding bond with creatives the world over. But in the years leading up to 2015, MINI had lost touch with the cultural elite.


Times had changed, and we were brought in to redefine MINI’s target group in today’s landscape. Extensive market research led us to the Creative Class — a group of urbanites diverse in demographic but united by mindset. They were the people who could put MINI on the map once more.


We developed and executed the MINI relaunch and repositioned the brand for a modern, urban, creative target group. In doing so we created a completely new Corporate Identity and Business Strategy for MINI.


  • Disrupt via a radical Strategic Brand Repositioning that became new industry standard
  • Reinventing Business

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