Danacol’s “LISTEN TO YOUR HEART” campaign shifts the medical concept of prevention into the much more relatable one of 'good habits to adopt', transforming the tone of voice to a light-hearted​ one and gaining in effectiveness.

We would like to highlight the importance of taking care of our heart, specifically speaking checking our cholesterol level. For this reason this year we push the Listen to your Heart campaign, where the message is: Danacol and Policlinico Gemelli Hospital offer you the possibility to check your cholesterol level for free.

Jordi Guitart Clermont

Direttore Marketing Danone Italy and Greece

After a global pandemic, Italy is still fighting against a silent and lethal enemy for health: cholesterol, ignored and rarely kept under control, despite still representing the trigger factor for cardiovascular diseases, the leading cause of death in the country.

How can Danacol, ensure that Italians return to taking care of their heart health?

Hits are memorable. So why don't choose a hit from 1980s with meaningful title? "Listen to your Heart" by Roxette is, in fact, the first good habit to take care of cardiovascular health, and Stefano "Elio" Belisari aka "Elio" is one of the main performer and singer wellknown in italy.

We have asked Elio to sing the original version of this song, with lyrics that bring people closer to the good habit of prevention and we have built the tvc around the song as it would be the music videoclip!

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