The winter season is special for Hong Kong people. With Christmas and Chinese New Year around the corner, it’s normally when friends and families gather to enjoy happy times together. Yet with months of social unrest, tensions continued to build between people with different points of view. The holiday season of 2019 turned out to be the worst in decades. For HSBC’s credit card, a product that thrives with increased spending, the division became a major setback.
HSBC Winter Campaign
How a bank alleviated the social tensions in an increasingly divided city
- Hong Kong
As a product that encourages people to enjoy life together, HSBC felt a responsibility to share a message about what matters most – family. The challenge was getting people to take the first step to reconnect and spread love to others during a time of high tension and conflict; when not everyone is seeing eye-to-eye, or worse, not seeing or talking to each other.
Our idea – Forgot, but not forgotten. The key to moving our customers lay in getting them to believe that their spending held greater significance than they realized. In such a divisive time, card spending was no longer merely for self-indulgence, but a means to take the first step to spread care and love to others, to alleviate tensions, and to reconnect.
We helped 7 million people to reconnect! Campaign tracking showed that after watching our stories, phrases such as “call my mom now” and “touching, resonated with me” were shared on social media.
80% of respondents agreed the videos had reminded them to care for their loved ones. Our campaign successfully changed the people’s POV on HSBC Cards and on their relationships
The video made the APAC YouTube Ads Leader Board as the #1 most viewed ad in all of 2019 in Hong Kong, beating out the other heavy spending multi-national brands.