HSBC Futureverse Case Image

Building a dynamic experience that shows audience millions of possible futures and how unpredictable our future can look like.


Having experienced the uncertainties during Covid, investors in the region are looking for new, and more diverse ways – alternative products, sustainable investments, cryptocurrency, etc – to future-proof their wealth.

Combined with the increased competition from other international banks and new wealth techs, HSBC is increasingly being associated with ‘traditional wealth’ and losing relevance and its inspiring image in this ‘new world of wealth’.


With many financial ‘fads’ emerged, investors are confused about how to approach wealth in a future full of uncertainty.

We found an opportunity to showcase how HSBC is uniquely positioned to be that trusted partner who has the global and future-looking perspective, expertise, and experience to help identify opportunities to grow wealth in a future full of uncertainty.


HSBC Futureverse – an experience-led campaign that immerses our audience in millions of versions of possible futures, showing how unpredictable our future can be and how HSBC can help them keep find wealth growth opportunities, no matter what the future looks like. This approach breaks the category norm of traditional advertising and content, demonstrating the progressive and innovative spirit of HSBC, and how it is at the forefront of opening new wealth opportunities now and in the future.


HSBC reached record high brand innovative and uniqueness scores, as well as significant increase in interests in its wealth products.

HSBC Futureverse Casestudy Video


APAC Effies 2023

APAC Effies 2023

Short Video Marketing

Shortlisted (To be Announced)