Celebrate this special day on social media and create an engagement momentum with our followers.
Vodafone Smart Parents+
Celebrate Children's Day in a different way and recall the importance of spending time with your children.
- Vodafone
- Lisbon
It is more and more complicated for parents to manage daily tasks and have quality time with their children when we are permanently connected and calls and notifications become a constant in everyday life.
Vodafone launched a campaign that marks Children's Day in a different way. As a Telco company, the brand decided to celebrate this day with the launch a new device designed for families with children: the Vodafone Smart Parents +.
The brand had +6.6k website visits in only 3 days and 1 out of 3 website visitors downloaded the Vodafone Smart Parents +. Link clicks were up over 432% and there was a 295% increase in post reach.