While executives envision a bright future for the workplace thanks to AI, the employees on the frontline of this revolution are far more wary, with much less of the optimism held by executives. Crucially, this misalignment serves to undermine AI strategies at a time when business success and innovation hinge ever-more on successful AI integration. As a beacon of innovation and an AI powerhouse, VML needed to take a closer look...

We commissioned an independent survey of 2,500 professionals across UK, US, Germany, France and Netherlands to expose current AI practice in the workplace today and uncover a critical AI divide at the heart of organizations. The exclusive report presents insights on:

  • the clearcut challenges of AI implementation and adoption in the workplace
  • tackling the issue of AI misalignment and the associated skills gap
  • the threat posed by the widespread use of unauthorized AI tools
  • equipping employees effectively to navigate the new world of work with AI
  • actionable strategies to help unlock AI's true potential

Download the report here:

AI Report Final Video

Helping clients navigate the AI divide

VML offers a comprehensive suite of AI services tailorable to help clients achieve their desired outcomes in deploying and managing AI in the workplace, taking into account organizational culture, digital and AI maturity, and preferred pace for change. Services include:

  • AI policy creation / refinement and communications plan
  • Governance set-up to ensure proactive management
  • Business case creation to secure investment for genAI tooling to promote productivity
  • GenAI tooling evaluation and selection
  • AI education and training online with your policy to make your colleagues aware of the pros and cons of using genAI tools at work
  • Application of a case-driven pilot to identify and measure how the use of genAI tools in regular activities can positively impact productivity
Shalina Ganatra black and white

Shalina Ganatra

Head of eCommerce Consultancy

Beth Marchant Headshot

Beth Marchant

Principal Consultant

Hugh Fletcher

Hugh Fletcher

Global Demand Content and Thought Leadership Director

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