With no sex education in India, the concept of consent has become distorted. As a result the youth's understanding of consent comes from what they see in Bollywood movies. Where a no does not always imply rejection. It's seen as another form of invitation. The result - a culture of molestation and rape. Today India is seen as a breeding ground for rapists and sexual assault offenders.

In partnership with the NCF and the Government of India, Durex created a first of it's kind consent curriculum - an all age, all gender curriculum dedicated towards understanding consent. The curriculum was introduced at the grassroots level and explored new-age mediums to reach students. This included cartoons, comics, podcasts and even a Bollywood-style music video.

Through this initiative our curriculum reached over 13000 schools and 4 million students. Slowly, schools started to experience a decline in cases such as eve-teasing and molestation.

Consent Curriculum
We set out to reshape students’ minds, to change the patriarchal constructs that often make up Indian society in an effort to make boundaries clearer and lives safer.

Mukund Olety

CCO, VML India