VML challenges the notion of planned obsolescence with "The Beko Inheritance" campaign, humorously positioning Beko appliances as heirlooms. A quirky film unfolds like a classic inheritance drama, where a Beko refrigerator unexpectedly becomes the coveted family treasure. This humorous approach sparks conversations about Beko's durability and introduces the "Beko Inheritance Addendum," allowing owners to designate appliances in their wills. Beyond entertainment, the campaign underscores Beko's commitment to quality and resonates globally as a testament to enduring value.
The Beko Inheritance
Appliances made to outlive you
- Beko
- Germany
- London
Redefining category perceptions with a bold campaign on enduring reliability
It's inspiring to see a brand get behind their products like Beko does. And to combine that with the bravery of bold storytelling and story doing. You feel the quality in every detail of this exciting collaboration between client, agency and production partners.
Bas Korsten
Global Chief Creative Officer, Innovation & Co-Chief Creative Officer, VML EMEA
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A Will Reading Unveils Surprising Twist in New Campaign Launched by Beko