
In the year leading up to the Rugby Would Cup we knew how important it was for the Irish rugby team to have the support of the nation. Our task was to create a campaign that celebrated the combined power of the Irish nation and to get everyone excited for the epic year of rugby that lay ahead.


‘Everyone in’ is firmly rooted in connection – the one Irish people have with the team and each other. Galvanising this into the lead up the RWC was something only Vodafone had the power to do as Ireland’s leading telecommunications brand. Through technology, we brought Irish fans together and connected them in an innovative way that has never been done before. We helped make players and fans “ready” for the RWC which delivers on Vodafone’s promise of preparing its customers for an exciting future.


The idea behind ‘Everyone in’ was to act as a clarion call for Irish support at home and abroad. There were two TVCs. The first launched in March showcasing support for the Irish team from all walks of life in Ireland. The aim was to build momentum behind the Irish team and take ownership of the RWC conversation as early as possible. The second TVC featured the team and their fans pledging that same level of support from Japan. The player’s echoed the call on social which gained huge traction as the public pledged “I’m In!”.


As well as rallying the country and getting widespread talkability around The Team of Us, we also created the most successful sports sponsorship in the country.

  • Most Appealing Sports Sponsor (Onside, Q4 2019)
  • Most Appealing Overall Sports Sponsor (Onside, Q4 2019)
  • Best Sponsor of the Rugby World Cup 2019
  • Best Sports Sponsor of 2019
Team Of Us Everyone In Vodafone Ad 1

Team Of Us Everyone In Vodafone Ad 2 Japan
W skrócie

# TeamOfUs is the most popular Irish sports sponsorship hashtag over the last 2 years, accounting for up to 95% of all sponsorship hashtag mentions during key rugby moments

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European Sponsorship Awards 2020

European Sponsorship Awards 2020

Highly Commended in the Sports Sponsorship €1m - €5m category

2019 Onside - Who Won the Summer of Sponsorship

2019 Onside - Who Won the Summer of Sponsorship

Most Effective Local Team Sponsorship - Vodafone Team Of Us

2019 Onside - Who Won the Summer of Sponsorship

2019 Onside - Who Won the Summer of Sponsorship

Overall Winner of the Rugby World Cup - Vodafone Team Of Us

2019 Onside - Who Won the Summer of Sponsorship

2019 Onside - Who Won the Summer of Sponsorship

Overall Winner of Spots Sponsorship - Vodafone Ireland