'Life-Saving Outdoors' saves lives during Morocco's earthquake tragedy

In the wake of a devastating earthquake in Morocco’s Marrakech Al Haouz region in September 2023, which claimed over 2,850 lives and left thousands injured, VML Casablanca stepped up on an innovative humanitarian effort in collaboration with the JOOD NGO to launch ‘Life-Saving Outdoors’ – an initiative that transformed outdoor billboards into much-needed tents for those left homeless.

The project ingeniously repurposed 4x3 outdoor billboards made of high-quality thermal fabric into durable, waterproof and thermal tents within just 48 hours of the calamity. These makeshift shelters were particularly crucial for residents in the remote, mountainous villages who were facing harsh weather conditions without proper housing – providing them with robust and comfortable temporary roofs over their heads.

JOOD Out Of Home Case Study
This is a powerful demonstration of solidarity and creativity in action, demonstrating that even in the most difficult times, humanity can unite to help each other.

Hind Laidi

Founding President, JOOD NGO

When a catastrophic earthquake struck Morocco, rural towns in the High Atlas Mountains experienced the worst of the tragedy. 75,000 homes were wiped out, leaving thousands of families homeless and exposed to severe weather conditions and cold winter weather without adequate shelter. Initial relief efforts provided some tents, but they were unable to meet the overwhelming demand.

Recognizing the urgency, JOOD, a local NGO, identified an unconventional resource: the nation’s outdoor advertising. These outdoor posters, made from durable, thermal and waterproof materials, presented an innovative solution.

JOOD’s ‘Out of Home’ in collaboration with VML and national and international brands mobilized a rapid response team and within 48 hours, thousands of outdoor ads were donated and taken down to be repurposed into robust, heat-retaining tents – providing crucial shelter and warmth for families of up to eight members. Larger format outdoor billboards were transformed into classroom tents, ensuring children’s education continued. VML and JOOD’s innovative solution helped save lives and rebuild a country.

Through this innovative collaboration, a cumulative total of 1,219 tents and 239 tons of blankets, mattresses and pillows have been supplied – providing shelter for more than 400 families. Additionally, 26,615 individuals affected by the disaster have received food assistance insured by Jood.

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