
The Client is a leading multinational hospitality company with a footprint in almost 100 countries.

As part of its long-term ambition to evolve its Rewards program, the group wanted to identify the highest value individuals among its 12 million-strong US-member base, with two main goals – namely: “protect” and “grow”. We needed to present a more intricate solution than one-size-fits-all segments to steer the Clients existing model of loyalty marketing toward a people-based approach for more tailored member experiences and, ultimately, to generate greater value for the business.

Our role involved enabling the Client to reach its members in a personalized way and to leverage what motivates them individually.


Synthesizing multiple research and analytics efforts, we compiled an extensive customer segmentation solution in the form of a specific segmentation guide, “Meet our Members”.

We leveraged deep data insights to build the core component of this solution: 10 specific segments, each represented by a persona and each detailing general demographics, psychographics, and preferences true to that segment.


This project involved a multilayered approach, including both qualitative and quantitative research, as well as various analytics phases, described in brief by the following steps:

  • Explore. We began our exploratory research by conducting a survey to directly engage with individuals who visit hospitality establishments, generating insights around the frequency of their visits, typical spend, their experience etc.
  • Analyze. Using the Clients first-party data, we analyzed how many times Rewards Club members had stayed at a Client property and other specifics around their stay preferences. We matched them to our Identity Management Network, allowing for analysis across thousands of data attributes including demographic, lifestyle, attitude, and purchase behavior.
  • Enrich. Our deliverable involved working with Skyhook to determine “share of stay” – the percentage of members’ stays across the hospitality industry that belong to the Client. This involved analyzing over 62 million pings, captured over a two-year span from mobile devices when their users visited a hospitality location.


By understanding Rewards Club members’ individual value and motivations, the Client is able to maximize the impact of the experiences it provides, the content it creates, and the strategies it executes. It is able to drive personalized communication and creative campaigns and enhance loyalty through meaningful relationships with its most valued members.

  • A launchpad for tailored engagements and a framework to prioritize, grow, and protect strategic segments.
  • A personalization playbook for its marketers and agency partners to inform and power customer journeys and campaigns.
  • A means of expanding audiences through look-alike modeling.
  • A sturdy foundation upon which the Client can tailor its post-COVID marketing and communications strategies.

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