Visa launched the #EscolhaJogarComElas movement, a 'protagonist' initiative among the company's actions for the Women's Cup '23.

To strengthen #EscolhaJogarComElas, Visa promoted several actions to boost adherence to the movement and support for women in sports. To this end, the company 'awarded' some regions with paints and utensils for traditional green and yellow paintings on their streets and walls. Traveling games was another initiative: a truck traveled to some cities during the World Cup to broadcast the World Cup games.

Visa Copa do Mundo Feminina
We talk so much that Brazil is the country of football, but that will never be true if we don't include women in this story. Recognizing and celebrating women in the most beloved sport for Brazilians is a historic reparation, and we are here to call on everyone to play alongside them and support women's football. Embracing #EscolhaJogarComElas means respecting, supporting, watching the games, sharing, and making this year's Women's Cup the most watched in the history of our country.

Patricia Mascagni

Executive Marketing Director - Visa Brazil

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