Exact figures are lacking, but VML and OVAM suspect that a large number of Flemish people suffer from atticaphobia, a self-coined term for the fear of going into the attic. Why else would so many attics in Flanders be filled with usable items? Often, valuable objects that deserve a second life are instead left forgotten, gathering dust. That's why VML and OVAM are launching a playful awareness campaign to help people overcome their “fear.”
A so-called “atticaphobia expert” – whose name escapes us for a moment – explains in the campaign video that many items found in the attic can still be repaired, passed on or sold. “Because the less stuff we buy new, the less we burden the environment,” he adds.
On the campaign website, visitors do not only find practical tips, – like where to go with their gear – but also a real audiotherapy, developed by the self-proclaimed expert. In a number of sessions, he helps listeners overcome their fear of attics step-by-step, relying on psychological methods like association, introspection and relativization. It remains an open question whether he has the proper degrees, but the therapy promises to be an effective approach against attic phobia – or at least a good laugh.
Broadly Supported Initiative
The campaign is supported by several partners, including Cash Converters, Happy Troc, Kringwinkel, 2dehands.be and Repair & Share. Together they encourage Flemish people to overcome their fear and clean out their attic.
More information and tips to overcome your fear of attics at www.zoldervrees.be