With the automotive industry experiencing unprecedented disruption, it begs the question which trends are fueling the most significant impacts, and what will it look like in the future? More importantly, what are the actions for automotive brands to take to navigate this new landscape?

To understand the future of this ever-evolving industry, VML’s Global Mobility & Automotive Lead, Tom Corey, identifies 10 leading trends:

  1. Defining the Digital-First Automotive Experience
  2. Prepping for the Data Deluge
  3. Marketing to Manufacturing: Informing the Production Line for a Build-to-Order Future
  4. Digital Sales: Simplifying the Retail Experience
  5. EV Adoption: Navigating the Transition to Mass Market
  6. The Conversion Conversation
  7. Making the Leap to Mobility
  8. New Consumption Models: From Vehicle Purchase to Micropayments
  9. Galvanizing Partnerships: Getting the Right Balance Between Speed and Control
  10. Pursuing Optimization

Get in touch with the author

Tom Corey

Tom Corey

VML Global Industry Lead – Mobility & Automotive

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