VML stands at the forefront of technological prowess within the industry. The agency was recognized in Forrester's report, The Continuous Automation Testing Services Landscape, Q4 2023.

The agency was acknowledged among notable continuous automation and testing (CAT) service providers in the overview exploring vendors’ type of offering, size, geography, and business scenario differentiation. VML was part of this overview that also had more than 40 other providers, including many consultancies and technologies providers.

“We are proud to see acknowledgment of our continuous automation and testing services by Forrester, alongside notable technical providers,” said Jon Cook, VML global CEO. “To us, this achievement underscores the significance our clients attribute to augmentation, contemporary testing practices, cutting-edge technologies, and the successful delivery of high-quality modern applications. We are building on this momentum as a testament to our unwavering commitment to being our clients’ most important partner.”

Modern application development leaders should use this report to understand the value they can expect from a CAT services provider, learn how providers differ, and investigate options based on size and market focus. CAT services are used to deliver business applications faster, higher-quality applications, and more applications for growing business demand.

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