The Gesundbergs
Launch Campaign ePrescriptions
- DocMorris
- Germany

Chief Creative Officer
Simona Suman, VML Germany
With the launch of ePrescriptions in Germany, DocMorris faced the challenge of raising awareness for the benefits of this new technology while simultaneously strengthening its position as an innovator in the healthcare market. The task was to develop a unique and engaging brand awareness campaign that would be effective on TV, digital, and social media channels.
VML, the world's largest creative agency developed a humorous 360-degree campaign revolving around the fictional Gesundberg family. The sketchy characters live on a remote island and face their daily challenges, being able to secure their medication supply thanks to DocMorris. Supported by WPP's own AI platform "Creative Studio", an innovative and creative communication approach was developed that follows current social media trends. In addition, a new redemption path for ePrescriptions was introduced via the DocMorris app, which allows customers to conveniently redeem their prescriptions using their smartphone's NFC technology.
The "Gesundbergs" campaign has helped raise awareness for the benefits of ePrescriptions and further strengthen DocMorris' position as an innovator in the healthcare market. With the slogan 'Pharmacy, simply reliable’, we emphasized how uncomplicated and safe it is to redeem ePrescriptions directly online at DocMorris and have the necessary medications conveniently delivered to your home. The creative idea successfully underscored DocMorris' brand values - patient-oriented service, pharmaceutical expertise, safety, and reliability.