An innovative and sustainable solution that turns pollution waste by-products into school supplies for children.

Air pollution is considered the world's biggest environmental health threat, particularly for its effects on children. The World Health Organization reports that more than 90% of the world’s children breathe toxic air every day – putting their health and development at serious risk. As part of WPP Team GSK/Haleon, Wunderman Thompson Singapore created 'Pollution Capture Pencils' – an innovative solution for Otrivin that turns pollution waste by-products into school supplies for children.

Pollution Pencils All Categories Case Study Film Cannes 2023
The biggest reward for any creative agency is to deliver an idea that works both for the client and the greater good. An opportunity like this doesn’t come by often. We’re really proud to have partnered with Otrivin to take a small but meaningful step to help bring cleaner air to India’s children.

Mateusz Mroszczak

Chief Creative Officer, Wunderman Thompson Singapore

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