
Exide being by far the highest selling automotive battery in India, the challenge was to bring out the impact and spread of this omnipresent brand from a pan-Indian perspective and give it the epic scale it deserves. Moreover, in this need-based category, an automotive battery is forgotten as long as the vehicle is moving. So, we were fighting for a canvas that showcases India’s No.1 battery. And we were fighting against the out-of-sight out-of-mind issue around automotive batteries.


A gigantic country like India is connected with its un-ending network of roads, streets, lanes and by lanes and the millions of vehicles moving on it, day in and day out. What also unites this vast nation is the diverse medley of folk art and indigenous music found across its length and breadth. It is this insight of India that became the idea and the canvas for this project.


Each day, millions of vehicles running across this country, move on Exide. To capture this idea of a battery bringing together one of the world’s biggest nations, we handpicked various indigenous folk artforms from India’s diverse cultures and territories and used each of them to animate one epic journey charting hundreds of everyday journeys that India takes on its roads. Thus emerged ‘The Moving Canvas’. This canvas was set in sonic motion to an ethno-fusion track with instruments intrinsic to India. Exide ‘Moving Canvas’ is not just a piece of art blending culture with craft, it’s a celebration of how a nation that moves ahead, moves on Exide.


The Moving Canvas was released on all social handles of Exide, and within just 2 weeks of its release the video has already garnered appreciation from industry stalwarts across the world. The video has been editorial pick on ADDS and will be showcased in Lurzer's Archive soon.

The video has already won millions of hearts across digital platforms and continue to move many with every passing day.

Exide IMOE Master 24th March Low res

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