In the heart of Gujarat, where age-old traditions labeled menstruating women as Adelis, Unipads embarked on a groundbreaking initiative. Recognizing that these Adelis faced a substantial income loss due to the taboo against cooking during their periods, Unipads challenged the norm by launching an unprecedented restaurant. Here, Adelis took charge of the kitchen, serving influential guests ranging from politicians to restaurant owners and influencers. This audacious project not only shattered a deeply ingrained myth but also catalyzed a transformative movement. The Adeli movement reverberated through Gujarat, touching more than 1,400 businesses and heralding a profound shift in mindsets and policies.
A taboo restaurant that debunked an age-old prejudice
- Unipads
- India

In Gujarat, menstruating women are called Adelis.
Following age-old customs, Adelis are not allowed to cook during their periods, which results in them losing more than 20% of their income.
Unipads launched the most taboo restaurant ever — where Adelis cooked for politicians, restaurant owners and influencers. The project effectively debunked a myth and changed both mindsets and policies.
With the Adeli movement, more than 1,400 businesses were transformed.