This indicator, introduced by French legislation, measures progress in equal pay and equal opportunities for women and men in the workplace.
The index score is based on several key criteria, such as the gender pay gap, parity in salary increases, the distribution of promotions and equal access to positions of responsibility. This result reflects our efforts to ensure a workplace that respects the principles of fairness and non-discrimination.
We remain fully committed to reinforcing these actions and continuing to promote a professional environment where everyone, regardless of gender, can flourish and succeed under equal conditions.
You will find below the score achieved, as well as the action plan and initiatives we are implementing to go even further in this strategic area.
WT score: 85/100
VMLY&R score : 84/100
Details of 2024 scores by indicator :
Indicator 1 : Pay gap = 29 /40
Indicator 2 : Differences in individual raise rates = 35 / 35
Indicator 3 : Percentage of employees receiving a raise within one year of returning from maternity leave = 15 /15
Indicator 4 : Number of employees of the under-represented sex among the 10 highest paid = 5 /10