To thrive in this competitive market, alcohol brands must embrace creativity, innovate with flavor and offer accessible luxury to cost-conscious consumers. This report highlights three key trends that will shape the future of the alcohol industry in 2025 and beyond.
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Scoprire il futuro: 15 tendenze B2B da tenere d'occhio
The alcohol industry is undergoing a dynamic shift, driven by evolving consumer preferences, a growing emphasis on experience and a desire for both affordability and indulgence.
Scopri le ultime tendenze del panorama B2B!
Key FMCG Trends

In un anno di domande, la più impellente dovrebbe essere: qual è la responsabilità delle aziende per la crescente crisi climatica e quanto siamo davvero in grado di cambiare? Non c'è stata risposta più inequivocabile della nomina, da parte di Patagonia, della Terra a stakeholder insieme ai suoi azionisti. Con il greenwashing sotto tiro, i marchi sono chiamati a intraprendere azioni significative, come dimostrano Metaverse for Good e Sustainability in the Metaverse. Ma non è tutto rose e fiori: questa tendenza si fonda sull'ottimismo climatico ed è nostro compito riflettere su come creare un lavoro dinamico, d'impatto e senza freni, che infonda alle persone Elevated Expressionism.
Creator to consumer (C2C)

New platforms are allowing creators to build their own storefronts, enticing shoppers with a blend of content, storytelling, and personality, while offering a new discovery channel for brands and retailers.
Why it's interesting
Brands can bank on the lure of influencer tastemakers to draw in customers with a blend of personality, storytelling, and enhanced discovery.

Vocal fans and influencers are inspiring their favourite brands to innovate. This comes as the new social-media-driven R&D paradigm, where brands are parlaying fan hacks and viral influencer content into valuable new product development and innovation opportunities.
Why it's interesting
Brands can satisfy consumer craving for creative influence by tapping into fanspiration, rewarding, and delighting fans with real-life innovations based on viral hacks.
Daniel Hettwer
Founder, Hidden Worlds Entertainment
Inspiring growth opportunities
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The Future 100: 2025