In a world rife with COVID-19 and the race for a vaccine, racial injustice, staggering economies, and rising unemployment, why data privacy and security now? The answer is quite simple: We live digital lives. And with this comes numerous issues related to data privacy and security.

This new research comes at a critical moment for brands and their customers, as well as society at large. The pandemic has forced people, companies, and government to conduct more business, share more information online than ever before. Data is collected in exchange for these seamless experiences, under the assumptions that is valued and secured.

Yet, as we’ve seen with data breaches in our newsfeeds, companies are not always the best stewards of our personal information. It’s becoming more and more difficult for people to see the benefit of allowing companies to gather their information. For a better understanding of it’s affecting people and their behaviors, Wunderman Thompson Data undertook a survey of 1,500 US adults aged 18 and over.

89% feel there is a lack of transparency in the way companies acquire and use data.

The top-line results are both insightful and alarming and reach across a broad spectrum. As such, we’ve broken them down into two categories: customer insights and brand implications. The first part is the customer’s view of data privacy, with detailed results, insights, and concerns to, hopefully, help move brands toward a much more data-safe, transparent, and confident environment. The second is a playbook for brands with rules on how to prioritize privacy over convenience in this new age of digital value exchange.

Download the following both parts of The Privacy Era for a comprehensive understanding of how customers view data privacy and security, and the opportunity for brands to remain relevant in this complex era.

The Privacy Era - The Customer View

The Privacy Era - Brand Implications Summary

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