The Innovation Group today releases the results of a major new survey of Generation Z’s attitudes toward gender and sexuality, covering topics from personal identity to product choice.

The Innovation Group will present the findings today in Austin at South by Southwest Interactive in a panel titled Generation Z and Gender: Beyond Binaries?

The study is covered in depth in an article published yesterday by the Vice media title Broadly. As the article notes,

Fifty-six percent of 13-to-20-year-olds said that they knew someone who went by gender neutral pronouns such as “they,” “them,” or “ze,” compared to 43 percent of people aged 28 to 34 years old. Over a third of Gen Z respondents also strongly agreed that gender did not define a person as much as it used to. This figure dropped to 23 percent among millennials who were 28 and up.

Those belonging to Generation Z also rejected the gender binary while shopping—only 44 percent said they always bought clothes designed for their own gender, versus 54 percent of millennials. But they also felt strongly that public spaces should provide access to gender neutral bathrooms, with 70 percent of Gen Zs coming out in support of the move compared to 57 percent of 21–34-year-olds.

The full findings of the study indicate a sea change in generation Z’s perception of gender roles:

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The South by Southwest Interactive panel, titled Generation Z and Gender: Beyond Binaries?, will feature creative innovators whose work reflects emerging approaches to gender among today’s youth:

Tyler Ford is a 25-year-old agender writer, speaker, and media personality who strives to diversify trans representation in the media. They were crowned one of the best social media stars of 2015 by MTV and one of Dazed’s 100 visionary talents shaping youth culture in 2016.

Becca McCharen is CEO and founder of architectural fashion label Chromat. Chromat was recognized as a finalist in the 2015 CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund, and has been worn by strong, bold women all over the world including Beyoncé, Madonna, FKA Twigs, Tyra Banks and Nicki Minaj.

Given the title “The Thinking Woman’s Beauty Writer” by New York Magazine and “Tumblr’s Beauty Oracle” by PAPER Magazine, Arabelle Sicardi is the go-to queer kid on the scene reporting on beauty, celebrity, feminism, bodies, and cyborgs. Previously BuzzFeed’s Beauty Editor, you can now find their work in NYLON, Teen VOGUE,, Racked, i-D, Jezebel, and elsewhere.

Follow discussion on the data and panel at #GenZGender.

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