What does a truly inclusive and accessible metaverse look like? The leaders of DoorLabs, an NFT and Web3 experience digital brand, are leading the way in creating a virtual realm for every person. Kunho Kim, co-founder and current advisor of DoorLabs, is an avid disability advocate harnessing the accessible and inclusive potential that NFTs can have digitally and the value they can bring to people beyond the metaverse. Yiran Shu, creator of the inclusive metaverse theater and former architect for physical development, was invited to collaborate with Door Labs as a world-class inclusive metaverse expert. She shares her insight and thought process behind her digital design considerations for the platform and its partners.
Wunderman Thompson Intelligence speaks to Kunho and Yiran about the influence DoorLabs has had on other platforms, the impact of their NFT sales, and what a truly inclusive metaverse could look like.