A former architect-turned-pastry chef, Dinara Kasko is bringing food design squarely into the 21st century. By using 3D modeling software, Kaska creates molds for desserts that are modern, geometric, and visually stunning. For So Good magazine, she even transformed the 3D artworks of José Margulis into complex desserts that, though edible, still retain the impression of the artwork.

Below, Kaska answers the Innovation Group’s questions about inspiration, technique, and the future of food design.

What inspires you?

People ask me about inspiration quite often. And every single time, it’s not easy to me to give a clear response. In fact, an inspiration can be in everything. It can be an object on the street, nature, architecture, an image of something, a country, different shapes and so on.

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Do you think we are now seeing a departure from the more literal, rustic and artisan style food design that pervaded for so long?

Every chef works in his/her own direction. And I think that literal, rustic and artisan style food design will exist forever. People do no go to restaurants that often, they eat mainly at home; and when they go to restaurants, they prefer home-made food (something that they are used to).

Of course, food design is in its constant development; however, traditional food will exist forever.

People are traveling a lot, and that leads to the fact that all the world cuisines are getting combined. For example, food of European countries doesn’t differ that much as European cuisines borrow a lot from one another.

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Can you describe your use of technology and the influence of your architectural background?

Generally speaking, my architectural background has influenced my taste and style. Besides, it has taught me the right proportions, how to design and create beautiful objects of the right proportion. A big plus here is that I can work with different software programs and create 3D models.

As for my use of technology, I have a computer with special software installed (3ds Max, Rhinoceros, Grasshopper, Archicad, Autocad, Cura etc) and an Ultimaker 3D printer.

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What do you see as the future of food and visual culture?

I think it will be a bright future. People are constantly working not only on taste, but also on design. Design includes not only food design, but also design of dishes, interior design, design of the uniforms for people who prepare and serve food, etc. New ingredients are appearing, and as a result—new possibilities to work with these ingredients and create amazing dishes and textures. Currently, you can get any ingredient at any time; however, it was impossible, for example, 50 years ago.

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For more, download the Food + Drink: Trends and Future 2017 report.

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