The antiviral coatings market is forecast to grow at a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 13.3% between 2020 and 2027, to a value of $1.3 billion, according to a report by Allied Market Research. The company noted that increased demand during the COVID-19 outbreak was driving growth, and that “the current pandemic offered opportunity for new product developments.”

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Matter by Designsake Studio
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In October 2020, San Francisco strategic agency Designsake Studio unveiled Matter, an antimicrobial protective coating that can be used on materials including paper, card, glass, metal and textiles. Matter was created using advanced silver technology, as the metal disrupts a virus’s reproduction. It has been certified in the United States by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) as an antimicrobial technology that provides protection against 99.9% of microbes.

Danielle McWaters, founder and CEO of the studio, says that the packaging proves that “you don’t have to sacrifice aesthetics for safety or recyclability. We hope Matter can bring joy back to the unboxing experience and create the next evolution of safe and sustainable packaging solutions.”

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Rubbermaid EasyFindLids SilverShield. Courtesy of Rubbermaid, Jackie Greaney (top right) and @occasions.byshakira (bottom)

Catering to the large number of consumers who are now cooking at home more often, Rubbermaid® launched EasyFindLids™ SilverShield® in October 2020. The range of food storage containers feature SilverShield® antimicrobial technology to inhibit the growth of odor-causing bacteria. “At a time when consumers are cooking more at home, we are pleased to offer a new storage solution that not only helps reduce clutter but also helps fight container odor,” says Kris Malkoski, CEO of the Food Business Unit at Newell Brands, Rubbermaid’s parent company.

And researchers at the Verschuren Centre at Canada’s Cape Breton University are working on creating antiviral packaging and coatings that could kill the coronavirus on contact, CBC News reported.

As consumers remain hyperaware of a virus’s ability to survive on surfaces, expect antibacterial and antiviral packaging to become more important in purchasing decisions.

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