
Playing with food is still considered taboo in Japan but we chose to break some rules as the biggest brand in the market. What we focused on was the most outstanding feature of mozzarella when eaten hot—it amazingly STRETCHES. Featuring Nabe, Japanese hotpot dish popular in winter, and demonstrating that consumers can casually enjoy the cheese dishes at home in the cold season, we transformed mozzarella into entertainment through the striking video that made everyone willing to try.


Mozzarella is remarkably stretchy when it is hot and melted – so we decided to take advantage of its unique properties and trending powers on social media and jump on the ‘food-tainment’ wave, confident that the visual appeal of mozzarella’s amazing ‘cheese pull’ would be well received.


For generating interest, we created a one-shot, live-action, and CG-free video, attempting to demonstrate in a surprising way that mozzarella stretches far beyond imagination when eaten hot. We also focused on creating viral expressions to make consumers willing to post and share their videos of trying to stretch the cheese.


Media Outputs - Total reach: 25 million people / Views: 10 million / PR value: Equivalent to 500 million JPY
Target Audience Outcomes - Total number of posts published with the hashtag #STRETCHEEEESE: 100k / Mozzarella got ranked amongst the top 10 popular ingredients for Nabe (Japanese hotpot dish) in 2020
Business Outcomes - Sales growth: 182%

Morinaga MOZ nobiuma 190829 full
Stretcheeeese Case Film

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