Aujourd’hui, plus que jamais, les valeurs d’inclusivité, de diversité et de liberté ont besoin d’être défendues.

Et quoi de plus intime qu’un parfum pour promouvoir cette belle cause, s’affranchir des codes et célébrer l’amour, tous les amours et tous les couples sous toutes leurs formes. D’autant plus que les codes mêmes de la communication parfum sont pétris de clichés caricaturaux et parfois archaïques. Des codes qu’il faut casser et détourner pour la bonne cause.

C’est pourquoi l’agence VML s’est associée à Esthétique du Combat, label de parfums qui porte des causes et Mane, le premier créateur de fragrances en France, pour créer des parfums engagés pour tous les couples.


Today, more than ever the values of inclusivity and diversity need to be defended. And what could be more intimate than a fragrance to promote this wonderful cause and break free from cliches and celebrate love and all couples in all their shapes and forms? Especially as the very codes of the perfume industry communications today are still rooted in sometimes caricatural and sometimes archaic cliches.

Mane, the leading European fragrance creator needed take on those codes and cliches to promote the values of inclusivity and tolerance as well as help customers organically pollinate and amplify the positive message of the brand

The codes of perfume industry communications today are still rooted in caricatural and sometimes archaic clichés, Mane, the leading European fragrance creator, needed to take on those codes and clichés to promote the values of inclusivity and tolerance as well as help customers organically pollinate and amplify the positive message of the brand.

To make its inclusivity message travel and be amplified organically, Mane created "For Them" – a unique range of gender-fluid fragrances made to be paired and that blend when sprayed together, giving birth to a new unique mixed fragrance. More than a perfume, "For Them" is a statement for inclusivity you can wear on your skin. And, of course, all the product elements were designed to blend together: the logo, packaging, No-Fe-8 bottles, the names and numbers of the fragrances, and the liquids themselves.

51 influencers have supported the launch, with stars and pop culture icons like the singer SHY’M joining the movement. And with 25 million+ media impressions, Mane’s inclusivity message came through in a big way. The "For Them" range was sold out two weeks after launch and the message is also in the hands of the people who proudly wear it. Everything is ready for the next step – the European launch in June 2024.the European launch in June 2024.

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Gerety Awards


1 Silver & 1 Bronze