Actimel, conscient du désintérêt des jeunes pour la marque et sa promesse d’immunité, a lancé une campagne pour renforcer l’equity de marque et recréer de la considération.
Immunity Potion by Actimel
Les héros des jeux vidéo peuvent compter sur des millions de potions pour se protéger et renforcer leurs défenses dans le jeu. Mais qui protège les joueurs ?
- Actimel
- France
Actimel, renowned for its vitamin D-rich immune-boosting dairy drinks, faced the challenge of reconnecting with Gen Z. Parents had stopped purchasing it for them, believing it was solely for childhood. However, reaching this demographic proved challenging due to their disinterest in traditional media, where Actimel historically advertised. This was the starting point of our brief, raising awareness among Gen Z of the importance of vitamin D in their daily lives. Our objective was to engage them without disrupting their routines, with the aim of fostering behavior change. In France, where 90% of Gen Z engage in video gaming, and 80% suffer from vitamin D deficiency due to limited sun exposure, our strategy centered on gaming—a platform where they're highly active—to convey Actimel's message about the importance of vitamin D.
The campaign connects Actimel's immunity promise "Le petit geste immunité des bonnes journées" from traditional media to the gaming world by collaborating with Fortnite experts at Epic Games and two of France's biggest YouTube stars, Inoxag and Michou.
Potions are undoubtedly one of the most widely used features in video games, and we used the most iconic of them to deliver our immunity message. We capitalized on the striking resemblance between Fortnite's shield potions and Actimel bottles to create a brand new custom-built potion: "The Immunity Potion," an innovative shield fueled with 30 seconds of damage immunity.
To deploy the potion, we launched a massive Actimel-shaped rocket into the center of the map for all players to see. Every new day in the game, an Immunity Potion was distributed to players as they faced a new horde of zombies – reinforcing in gamers’ minds the importance of maintaining their immune systems every morning thanks to Actimel.
The Actimel campaign was tremendously successful. With 26.5M€ of earned media, more than 350,000 gamers tasted the Immunity Potion with an average playtime of 29 minutes versus 11 minutes on average in other creative maps.
Out of this group, 54,000 came back to play on the map at least once, resulting in a retention rate of 15%, far surpassing the average of 3 to 6% seen in other Fortnite advertising campaigns. The campaign had an excellent overall impact, with 53% of Generation Z individuals exposed to the promotion indicating they were highly likely or somewhat likely to purchase Actimel. This statistic helps to explain the impressive 18% increase in Actimel sales in June, the month following the campaign.