Are you looking to shape your shopping experiences for the future generation?

Based on our latest research, Trailblazers of Tomorrow looks at the next generation of consumers – with a special focus on Generation Alpha – and the role that social commerce plays for them.

Businesses are beginning to recognise social commerce as a powerful route to market. Whether you're looking to refine your social media strategy, seeking to tap into new sales channels, or keen to understand the latest trends, this report will equip you with valuable insights and recommendations, to navigate the dynamic world of social commerce and deliver a step change in online transactions for our future shoppers.

Download the report and start to shape your shopping experiences for the future generation.

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UK - Trailblazers of Tomorrow

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US - Trailblazers of Tomorrow

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US Report

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In the ever-evolving digital landscape, an omnichannel strategy that marries in-store, online and social commerce is crucial

Social Commerce, the intersection of social media and eCommerce. A new channel that businesses are beginning to recognize as a powerful sales channel. However, social commerce is no easy feat, it requires an in-depth understanding of consumer behavior, preferences, and trust factors across demographic groups.

Whether you're a marketer looking to refine your social media strategy, a business owner, brand, or retailer seeking to tap into new sales channels, or an industry expert keen on understanding the latest trends, this report will equip you with valuable insights and perspectives to navigate the dynamic world of social commerce and transact more online.

Trailblazers of Tomorrow draws comparisons between over 2000 6-16-year-olds (Gen Alpha) and 2000 general consumers, including 17-25-year-olds (Gen Z), right up to the 55 plus, across the UK and US, highlighting key trends and patterns. It uncovers key insights into how different generations interact with social media, their shopping habits, and their attitudes towards influencers and brand values as well as their future expectations and concerns.

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Les dépenses en ligne continuent d’augmenter car les circuits online cochent la plupart des cases critiques des parcours d’achats

69% of respondents watch TV in their spare time. We think of youngsters spending all their time on digital devices, but 75% of Generation Alpha are fans of TV, second only to over-55s (81%).

Traditional TV is still slightly more popular than YouTube (70%) among the younger generation.

34% of Generation Alpha expect delivery in two days or less, and 45% won’t buy from anywhere that can’t deliver the next day.

50% of young consumers also say they are influenced by social media influencers, compared to 35% overall.

La demande pour une experience omnichannel se confirme avec une vraie valeur ajoutée des réseaux ecommerce dans notre contexte inflationniste

69% of respondents watch TV in their spare time. We think of youngsters spending all their time on digital devices, but 75% of Generation Alpha are fans of TV, second only to over-55s (81%).

Traditional TV is still slightly more popular than YouTube (70%) among the younger generation.

34% of Generation Alpha expect delivery in two days or less, and 45% won’t buy from anywhere that can’t deliver the next day.

50% of young consumers also say they are influenced by social media influencers, compared to 35% overall.

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Debbie Ellison colour

Debbie Ellison

Global Chief Digital Officer

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Chloe Cox

Head of Social - EMEA

Hugh Fletcher

Hugh Fletcher

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