VML Foundation
Giving back in the communities that nurture our success
About the Foundation

The VML Foundation exists to support and celebrate the charitable causes that are important to our employees and their families.
The VML Foundation is an employee-funded and employee-led employee giving program and tangible expression of our agency’s core values.
Through volunteer service, pro bono work, community leadership and financial contributions, we aim to make a positive impact on our immediate communities and beyond.
$3 million reasons to celebrate

In 2023, the VML Foundation proudly surpassed the $3 million mark in collective charitable giving on behalf of employees.
The VML Foundation employee giving program enables important ways employees can amplify their personal philanthropy.
VML Worldwide Foundation Day

Each year, all VML global offices set aside one day of normal business, roll up their sleeves and set out to make as big of a difference as possible. The result is a remarkable 24-hour period of giving back in locations around the world.
Together, we make a difference in the places we live, work and raise our families — and beyond.