We use Azure as a key platform for the delivery of next generation experience and commerce solutions. We apply battle-tested, best practice cloud architectures that can be adopted to the unique needs of any brand.
Working closely with Microsoft we leverage the scale, power and economy of the Azure cloud to migrate legacy workloads, create next-generation user experiences, integrate SaaS, IaaS and PaaS services at scale, and to analyse and deliver data in innovative ways. We advocate a DevOps approach, working hand in hand with operations, to deliver an always-on, robust approach along with a range of services to help teams adopt to cloud-native solutions.
Using Azure to host the next generation of customer experiences allows brands to respond seamlessly to changes in demand, reacting rapidly to traffic increases. It’s safe and secure, enabling them to handle data with the highest levels of privacy, access control and security, and brands only pay for what they use, creating agility and efficiencies that an on-premise infrastructure simply can’t provide.
Azure's data tooling also provides low latency data, driving advanced personalisation and helping retailers and businesses to understand the needs of their customers in more detail and respond to them faster than ever before.