Roots to Results: How Creativity Powers the Coca-Cola Brand

Latin American culture is a vibrant tapestry infused with creativity at its core. At the Advertising Week LATAM 2024 ‘Great Minds Stage’ recently, Rafael Pitanguy, VML Deputy Global Chief Creative Officer, joined Luciana Mendes, Senior Director of Creative Strategy LATAM, The Coca-Cola Company, in front of a full house to explore how an iconic global brand like Coca-Cola taps into creativity deeply embedded within LATAM’s diverse cultures to inspire and connect with consumers across the region. They also shared how local cultural dynamics that influence brand strategy in LATAM can be utilized to create impactful campaigns that go beyond traditional marketing and cross borders to influence other brands as well.

Rafael and Luciana agreed that when you talk about creativity, it’s important to achieve the rare double feat of being original and familiar that Coca-Cola does.

“It’s precisely the combination of these two words that transforms creativity into results,” said Rafael.

“Coca-Cola is the number one commercial beverage drink that people have with a meal in the world,” said Luciana. “Our ‘Magic Duos’ campaign from VML is a platform that Coke has been reinforcing for many years, that familiarity. And we continue to refresh it."

During their panel, Rafael and Luciana showcased three VML campaigns for Coca-Cola that have been big winners at the industry’s top shows for creativity, including "Magic Duos" at the LIA Awards, "The Santa Stories" at the Andy Awards, and "Thanks for Coke-Creating" at Cannes.

Coca-Cola’s creativity is recognized around the world for its brilliance and ability to inspire audiences. Rafael and Luciana talked about the importance of protecting the Coca-Cola brand and finding the right balance between its iconic status and being constantly reinvented.

“We must protect and hold the trademark dear, as this protection and care is what brought us through 130 years of iconicity,” said Luciana. “But as culture changes and as the world changes, we need innovation and reinvention that’s relevant for different generations.”

“It is about experimenting, risking a little bit, but also being cautious,” said Rafael. “And when you’re talking about the kindness that Coca-Cola offers, you have infinite stories to tell and many beautiful moments of truthfulness.”

At the end of this enlightening session, perhaps Rafael summed it up best.

“It doesn’t matter how big a brand is. People are always bigger.”

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