With news under centralized control in Hungary, independent news and journalists were forced to move online. "Truth Delivery" delivers news to the segment of the population that don't have access to online news.
Truth Delivery
Delivering truth to areas that need it most
- Transparent
- Hungary
A solution to reach the 30% of Hungarians without online news.

Átlátszó (Transparent), Hungarian investigative journalism nonprofit
When independent Hungarian media was pushed into the online sphere, 30% of the population without access to online news was left out. This means that only centrally and tightly controlled government narratives reach them, leaving these communities without objective or independent information and the investigative stories by Hungarian journalism nonprofit Transparent.
To reach these rural areas, we tapped into an existing delivery system – a network of mobile stores that cover these towns where people get essential groceries and other items.
In Hungary, these mobile stores have access to over half of the rural population that online news doesn’t reach. So we turned the packaging that mobile stores use into a medium of essential news – all sizes of paper bags, bread bags, and even the back of grocery receipts, that feature a specially curated edition of Transparent's news.
Written specifically for this format and demographic by the journalists of Transparent, our rural audience can read the five most important and current news items – stories from "Truth Delivery" they otherwise would never have been aware of.
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