After months of research, the Guardian Toad emerged, a new device that will help fight dengue.

The Guardian Toad is an initiative that aims to contribute to a better tomorrow. Very soon, it is expected to join the fight of all Peruvians against this terrible disease.

Claudia Cornejo

Regional Director of the Home Care Platform - Alicorp/Sapolio

This year, Peru is historically facing the worst dengue crisis. 80% of the population in the most affected areas lack clean water, forcing residents to collect water in plastic containers from tanker trucks that distribute it from house to house. Unfortunately, despite recommendations, these containers are not adequately covered. It is in these circumstances that mosquitoes take advantage to lay their eggs and reproduce in stagnant waters.

The contagion crisis in Peru was the main driving force behind seeking assistance to combat the proliferation of this mosquito.

Since mosquitoes only lay their eggs in stagnant water, we asked ourselves, what if we put that water in motion? That's how we developed an autonomous device, small enough to move within water buckets, eliminating the need for batteries or electricity, as many affected areas lack these services. We received input from two professionals from the country's most prestigious universities for the research and development of the Guardian Toad.

Although we are only in the scaling stage, with the campaign launch, we reached an audience of 517K and over 100K views in just one week.

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