Wunderman Thompson Intelligence presents "New Realities: Into the Metaverse and beyond," a new companion report to the original "Into the Metaverse" report.

New Realities Into the Metaverse and beyond cover HR

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What has happened in the metaverse over the last eight months? A lot, it turns out. Since we first released our "Into the Metaverse" report in September 2021, excitement around and activity in the metaverse has exploded: collections of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have flooded the marketplace, branded virtual worlds have taken over games, and investment in technologies such as mixed, augmented and virtual realities has ramped up significantly.

But, in the midst of this storm of activity, it can be hard to parse what is a flash in the pan of a passing fad and what has meaningful staying power. This micro-report breaks down how the metaverse is restructuring eight industries, with original data collected by Wunderman Thompson Data, brand case studies, actionable takeaways and category-specific insights to help brands navigate the future of the metaverse.

Liberland Metaverse Master Plan Render by Mytaverse
Liberland Metaverse MasterPlan Render by Mytaverse

The report includes case studies in eight industries, including retail, finance, health and wellness, food and drink, work, entertainment and sport, fashion and beauty, plus sections focusing on NFT innovation and society and government. The report also includes findings from original research conducted for Wunderman Thompson Intelligence by Wunderman Thompson Data. The research fielded in March 2022 among 3,005 respondents aged 16-65 in the US, UK and China. Highlights include:

The metaverse is already here and it is changing the way our realities are being shaped. It's time to arm yourself with knowledge and grow a brand that is metaverse-ready.

Download "New Realities: Into the Metaverse and beyond"

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